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Where Are All These Bugs Coming From?

Where Are All These Bugs Coming From?

When you grow up in an NYC apartment building, you learn to cope with bugs. There is no other choice. There are bugs everywhere. Oh sure, your mother does her best to plug every conceivable hole, and that works well to keep the mice out. But the bugs? Those sneaky devils can arrive through the pipes. And let’s face it. There is nothing to be done when a large brown water bug chases you into the living room. Those suckers are fast. You better run!

Summer is Here

So, I’m not surprised that living in Phoenix with the summer heat, we have critters fighting to get inside. And who can blame them? I want to be inside too. And though it’s a dry heat (we love saying that in Phoenix), when it’s 110 degrees out, all bets are off. 110 is ungodly hot. Even without humidity. It’s just too much. You can try to explain it away, but unless you’re sitting in your pool, you really can’t be outside. And if you’re outside, well, you lose the right to complain about bugs. Or do you?

Why are Wasps Circling the Pool?

I’m afraid of bees. Come to think of it, I’m afraid of anything that flies. Growing up, we had a parakeet, Twinkie. Sweet little thing. And yes, I was afraid of it. And then, there was Jones Beach on Long Island. Tightly patrolled by seagulls. Eeek. Poop mysteriously drops from above. Some say, “it’s good luck.” I say, “it’s disgusting.” And beware of your lunch. Seagulls are adept at snagging a tuna fish sandwich. Which by the way, might be the worst food to bring to the beach. In the heat, tuna fish really stinks. And on a windy day, the mayo attracts sand particles blowing in the air. You didn’t know that? Well, now you know.

Back to the Pool

So why is it that the wasps (the flying kind, not the acronym) seem to be circling the pool whenever I go swimming? They land on the water, drinking or bathing, or whatever they do, as I frantically swim by, trying not to panic. I’ve told myself that they deserve to have a life too. That the pool should be a welcoming place for all critters large and small. And yet, I just can’t help but think of my mother plugging all the holes in the apartment. How would she solve this problem? Should I check out the latest “outdoor” edition of Hints from Heloise? Will citronella candles do the trick? Where is Dear Abby when you really have a problem?

Now for a Little Something Extra!

This month, we’ll be participating in a Women’s Fiction Give-Away. Take a moment to check out the various books and if you haven’t read After the Fall, here’s your chance to grab a free ebook. Enjoy the rest of July. And watch out for the bugs!

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Hi Brad,
    I can’t say I share your fear of bugs, but I sure as hell don’t like them. Growing up in Georgia, we had cockroaches that were so big they cast shadows on the wall. And red ant hills that looked like lava flowing out of a volcano when then ants were on the march. My Mom always said they were scavenging for food. I think they had a much more sinister purpose!!

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