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Romantic Love. Is It Real?

Romantic Love. Is it Real?

Does anyone do romance anymore? Now, I’m not talking about reading romance novels. Yes, that’s enjoying romance, but it isn’t particularly romantic. You’re watching the action from a distance instead of participating in it. And if you’re alone, well, that isn’t romantic. At least not to me.

Someone Light the Candles

In our house, we eat dinner together every night. And after thirty-two years, a lit match has never touched the tip of a candle when we’ve dined at home. Having friends in? Sure. We’ll light a candle for the table and dim the lights. But when it’s just us? Nope. Candles are strictly for guests.


So when was the last time someone took you in their arms and whispered sweet nothings in your ear as you gently swayed to Sinatra? You don’t like Sinatra? Okay. Substitute your favorite singer or band. See. What did I tell you? It’s been a long time. Unless you’ve recently been to a wedding or a bar mitzvah, no one dances together anymore. Certainly not at our house. And a wedding doesn’t count. You dance at a wedding because you don’t want to upset the happy couple. You dance at a bar mitzvah because the hora is “mandatory” participation. Besides, no one ever felt romantic as they wildly circled a room holding hands with Uncle Leo and Aunt Gert. The hora is just not a romantic dance.

Old Movies

On the Turner Classic Movies channel, every film seems to capture a moment of pure romance when the heroine turns to the hero and utters, “Darling, I love you.” It’s something you’ll never hear in a modern film or in everyday life, unless, God forbid, you’re on your deathbed. Is that because the word “darling” has also gone out of fashion? Or was romance always a Hollywood invention created to entrap audiences in absurd fantasy?

We’re Just Too Busy

It’s sad that romantic love has gone the way of the ripped bodice. Today, we’re all too busy to luxuriate in fanciful notions. And yet, I have to admit that every now and then, when I’m with my husband doing something we both love, like going out for ice cream, a romantic spark is lit. There’s an energy that passes between us. We’re in the right place at the right time and with the right person. Eating the right food!

New Definition?

Maybe, that’s what romance is all about. Not about the atmosphere or setting, but about the personal connection. The yen to be together. If that’s so, romance is still very much alive in our house. Just give us a bowl of ice cream and click on our favorite television show.  I feel a “would you like whipped cream?” question coming on. That’s our version of,  “Darling, I love you.”

And Now, For Something a  Little Extra

I’ll be participating in a Literary, Historical, and Book Club Fiction Giveaway. It’s your chance to win an eReader and a bundle of books, including my debut novel The Intersect. If you get a moment, please check it out. And until we meet again, have a great rest of the month!




This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. You’re right. I think romance is more about being with the right person at the right time. For us, it’s a long, tight hug each morning, and a quick kiss on the neck.

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