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From “The Liberation of Marcia Brady” to Hillary Clinton

I happened to catch an episode of the Brady Bunch on the very morning that Hillary Clinton was to accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. That’s what I do when I wake up at 4:30 a.m. I sit in front of the television with a cup of coffee, blinking hard until the world comes into focus. 1970’s sitcom television is about all I can handle. It’s my precursor to the morning news.

Odd, I thought as I watched the episode unfold. “The Liberation of Marcia Brady” raised awareness about feminism, women libbers, and equal rights. Seemingly audacious concepts back in 1970’s America.

Well the cultural wars have come – but not gone. And like opening a time capsule—the episode reminded me that change comes slowly. But it does come.

Here we are, all these years later, and thankfully, no man or woman would dare raise concerns about Hillary Clinton’s viability as a candidate based solely on her gender. In the 1970’s—that couldn’t have been possible.

It made me realize how far we’ve come as a Nation.

Now it’s time for America to get onboard with equal pay for equal work. Marcia and Hillary deserve nothing less.

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