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Car Dealerships…I Love The Donuts!

Car Dealerships…I Love the Donuts!

This week, the air conditioning in my car died. Living in the desert, you absolutely need AC. Just ask the poor cacti out in the heat. It gets mighty hot in Phoenix. Within minutes, you can fry an egg on your forehead. Isn’t that a silly image?

The Dealership

Nothing makes me feel more like a patsy than taking my car to the dealership for service. Oh sure, I love the free coffee and donuts. I’ve even been known to wrap a second donut in a napkin (shhh…don’t tell anyone) and take it home. But nothing in life is truly free, and certainly not those donuts. They come with a hefty price tag. The cost of my car repair. And as I stuff my face with donuts, I realize all the sugar is probably not helpful for clear decision-making. If anything, I’m the fatted calf being led to the car repair slaughter. Moooooo!

How Much for a New House? I Meant…Hose.

It seems the folks at the dealership speak their own language. Let’s call it “car talk”. Strange words pop up in every sentence. Compressor, combustion chamber, converter, throttle plate. I recognize the word “hose”,  nodding as if I have a degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or bicycle repair (what do you mean a bicycle doesn’t have a hose?). Yes, I understand modern cars are computerized. That they require the mechanic to be specially trained to work on them. And yes, I recognize all the repairs related to the AC system must be completed. Fine. I’ll just leave my wallet with the receptionist and pray my credit limit is sufficient to cover the repairs. So far, it all makes perfect sense. I think.

Why is Everyone Smiling?

It’s hard to resent service professionals who are so darn friendly. They shake my hand and call me sir. They promise to keep me updated on all repairs. That’s nice. I’m being treated with respect; looked upon as an intelligent consumer. Now, when does that ever happen? I can’t help but wonder if they’re specially trained so even as they’re picking my pocket, I’m feeling cheerful. After all, I’m going to pay for the repairs no matter how steep the price. And I haven’t a clue what the hell they’re talking about. Still, it’s an all-around pleasant experience. I smile when they mention the satisfaction survey they’ll be sending. I’m happy to participate as I quickly turn, heading back to the lounge where I’d been eyeing a chocolate donut. I haven’t tried that one yet. Time to find out if it has a cream filling.

And Now for Something a Little Extra!

This week, I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Ilsa Manning. Ilsa has her own perfume business of which she donates 5% of the net proceeds to a girl’s charity. Perfume with a Purpose is really a wonderful concept and I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out.

Also, in case you’re wondering, I’ve been hard at work on a new novel.  I’ll be sharing more about the novel over the coming months. So, until, the next time we meet, enjoy June!

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