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It’s Not About Us…Thank Goodness

It’s Not About Us…Thank Goodness

There’s something compelling about reality television. Whether you’re watching My 600-lb Life or Married at First Sight, at least it’s not your life. You can sit back and get lost in someone else’s journey. Disconnect from your own issues as you watch a stranger struggle with theirs. Is that therapeutic? I don’t know. But what I do know is that it’s mindless television. And if you have a busy mind, one that likes to do a loop-de-loop through your own issues, it’s nice to focus on someone else’s troubles for a change.

Who Can You Tell?

Clearly, reality television is here to stay. But would you ever admit to watching it? Back in the day, before Lincoln was shot, TLC was created as The Learning Channel. I remember that first season. Very educational. And Bravo, as the name implies, was all about high culture. Opera, ballet, and the like. But over time, both channels morphed into reality only. As low-brow as you could go. It seems Americans prefer minding other people’s business instead of engaging in the greater art forms. Hey, no judgment here. Soon, ABC, NBC, and CBS jumped into the fray. I may not be a fan of The Housewives or Survivor, but I get how engaging the shows can be. Deception. High jinx. Ruined friendships. A scandal or two. What’s there not to like? As long as it isn’t happening in my house.

Genre Appeal

Personally, I’m all in on the romance reality shows. Yes, I admit to tuning into ABC’s The Bachelor. And lately, I’ve been watching Netflix’s Love is Blind. There’s something compelling about young adults falling in love. Do I expect any of it to last? Heck, no. But I like seeing the mating dance in action. But then, I don’t write romance. If I did, maybe I wouldn’t want to watch it. Instead, my work is based on family dysfunction. That’s where I come from and so that’s what I know. I can hear my mother now: Don’t tell them that. It’s not true. Uh, yeah. It is. We’re one-hundred percent dysfunctional. Every day, all year long. And trust me, when you’re living it, you don’t want to watch it. But please don’t tell anyone. It’ll be our little secret.

Now for Something a Little Extra!

This month, we’re participating in a contemporary fiction giveaway. This is your opportunity to grab a free e-book of Boca by Moonlight. Now that’s a sweet deal for July. So until we meet again, stay safe and enjoy the summer. See you in August!

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