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Q Is For Quarantine And Questions. Lots Of Questions.

Q is for Quarantine and Questions. Lots of Questions.

Like everyone these days, Jeff and I have been locked in our house for nearly nine weeks. And like any married couple, we’ve had a few tense moments. Through it, we’ve learned a lot about who we are. Okay. Mostly, who I am. And it seems that I am a person who is full of questions. Lots of questions. Which can be asked in any order throughout the day, over and over again. Here are the top four contenders.

Where Are You?

I don’t like people who lurk around corners. And since I’m hard of hearing, Jeff pops up at the darndest times. I’m always surprised. He often says “I live here, too!” and I guess he does. But I still think it might be a good idea to tie a bell around his neck. And then, when things are too quiet and I want to share a bit of news, I have to hunt him down. Is he in the bathroom? Why isn’t the door shut? On a zoom call for business? How was I supposed to know? Outside in triple-digit heat watering the plants? Have at it. I’ll talk to you later.

What’s That Noise?

I like to know what’s going on in my world. So when random sounds invade the peace, I’m always curious. Has Jeff fallen? Did he drop his coffee cup? Is it the air conditioner turning off and on? Or is that the refrigerator humming? I’m learning a lot about the noises in our house. Especially the ones coming from the office next door.

What Are You Doing?

My mother used to say: “If you’re bored, you’re boring.” Unfortunately, I’ve been bored a lot. So, I’m always interested in what Jeff is doing. It certainly beats what I’m doing (struggling to write a third novel, doing a crossword puzzle, checking out Facebook and Twitter).  Jeff’s a news junky, loves to read People, and is fascinated by retail (his whole family is). Me? Not so much. Still, I like to be in the know.

Are You Okay?

The last and final question. This one pops up a lot. Especially when we’re binging on This is Us. Each episode demands a box of Kleenex. I call it heartbreakingly satisfying programming. I love that all your questions about the Pearson family will eventually be answered if you continue to watch episode after episode. Generation after generation. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Sigh. What a wonderful show!

And Now Some News

If you love audiobooks, After the Fall is now available through Audible. In addition, After the Fall will be participating in a group promotion for LGBT Audiobooks running from 5/27-6/3. Please take a moment to check it out.

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