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Is Someone Talking? Who? Where?

Is Someone Talking? Who? Where?

It happened again. I walked into a store and someone called out “hello” and I had no idea where they were. Why? Because everyone in the store, including me, was wearing a face mask. And, since I’m deaf in my left ear, I need some visual clue to know who is talking. Usually, a smile will do. I can’t make the determination based solely on the direction of the sound. Every sound is coming in on the right side. So even if you’re standing directly to my left, shouting, the odds are good I will look to the right. That’s just the way it is.


There are scarring memories we all have from childhood. One of mine goes back to a game in kindergarten (I know—that’s a long time ago). The teacher put a blindfold on me and I was supposed to come to the sound of someone calling my name. Well, that was a game I couldn’t possibly win. It’s a miracle I didn’t walk into the blackboard.

Mouths Covered

For those of us with hearing issues, if we can’t see lips moving, we can’t read them. And though I’m not an expert lipreader, I have taken years of training (but please don’t test me if we ever run into each other—no sense in embarrassing us both). But now that everyone is thankfully wearing masks to prevent transmission of Covid, I swear, my hearing is getting noticeably worse. And it’s a strange thing, but when I’m struggling to hear, it feels as if I also can’t see. As if these two senses are somehow linked.

What Did You Say?

So the next time someone appears totally out of it, consider that they might have a hearing problem. And be kind. No one wants to appear confused. In fact, most of us with hearing issues have developed strong defenses. One day, I’ll share the story of how Jeff and I met. Originally, he thought I was unfriendly. And that’s what comes from talking to me on my left side. Spin me about, and things are very different. I might even be charming.

Now, A Little Something Extra

I just got word that What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? has won first place in the National Federation of Press Women’s at-large communications contest and will be advancing to the national rounds. So, I thought I’d share the opening 3-minute audio from the audiobook available through Audible. And no. That isn’t my voice. Derek Neumann is a professional voice talent. Enjoy!


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