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Tire Pressure…Blood Pressure…Peer Pressure

Tire Pressure…Blood Pressure…Peer Pressure

The seasons are changing and in Arizona, that means it’s time to check the tires. If you’re like me, the last thing you want to do is bend down and put air in your tires. It isn’t hard. I know how to do it. I just hate doing it. And fortunately, there are plenty of places that will take care of it for you. But like all good things, you must wait in line. And of that, I’m not a big fan. But then waiting requires patience.

Blood Pressure Cuff

Patience is not my strong suit. And a lack of patience can adversely affect your blood pressure. This is why I have my own blood pressure cuff. You see, strokes run in my family. So when I get a stress headache, I worry that I might be experiencing high blood pressure. It’s one of the traits of the worried well. That group of people who see their ultimate demise in every minor ailment. I’m the club president. Now just to be clear, worried well is not the same as a hypochondriac. A hypochondriac fears illness. The worried well is just concerned that every minor ailment is the beginning of the end. Hmm. Maybe it is the same.

Peer Pressure Too?

Which leads me to peer pressure. Okay. I know that wasn’t an elegant segue. But when you’re writing a short piece, you don’t always have the time to finesse the transition. Anyhow, with my newly released novel, Boca by Moonlight (what do you mean you didn’t know it’s available on Amazon?) I’ve come to respect the power of peer pressure. For the launch, I worked with a wonderful group of friends and family to help get the word out. And I’ve been holding my breath waiting for the reviews to start rolling in. So far, they seem positive. Which is terrific. For those of you who wonder how an author celebrates the launch of a new book, well, most of it is done hiding under the bed in a fetal position.

And Now for A Little Something Extra!

This week, we will be participating in a Women’s Literary Fiction and a  Book Sweeps promotion. If you’d like to grab a free ebook of my debut novel, The Intersect, this is the time to do it. The book will be available through both sites. And may I suggest, you check out the other authors too. And before I forget, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Can you believe that we’re approaching the end of another year? Amazing. Enjoy that turkey dinner!

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