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A Valentine’s Day Spent Barking Up The Wrong Tree

A Valentine’s Day Spent Barking Up the Wrong Tree

Valentine’s Day has come and gone. And though I love my spouse, I’ve discovered that I have a roving eye. A roving eye, that is, for a friendly Rover.  Remi, Maya, and Tully. Wilson, Luke, G.G., and Maisie. Louie, Lena, and Cali. Ah, my fickle nature. If it has four paws…I’m in love.

Get Another Dog!

Part of the challenge of being a pet owner is that our beloved pets don’t live forever. We lost our sweet Charlie last September. After months of anguish, we’re still healing. And since Charlie was with us nearly 15 years, he had a lot of health problems. After all that worry, it’s been hard to jump right back into pet ownership. In the interim, we’re kind of fancy-free. Chasing a lot of tail—if you excuse the pun.

A Sweet Tooth for a Poodle

I have the greatest respect for people who rescue. What a wonderful gift to open your home to a furry friend in need. So when we get serious, we’ll definitely check out that option. But I also want a puppy. Yes, I know. That’s asking for poop and pee everywhere. We raised our last two dogs from puppies. But it has occurred to me that with a rescue we might be able to skip the housetraining phase. And if the dog is really smart, he or she can quickly train us. Heck, in our house, that’s really how it works anyway. Please don’t tell the Dog Whisperer.

Here’s to the Future

So we’re kind of looking forward to finding our next sweetheart. Who knows? He/she could be around the corner. Or maybe at your house. So be warned. We’re a sucker for heavy petting and lots of panting. Be still my heart!

This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Love your sense of humor, Brad. Almost makes me want a pup but my husband quickly reminds me for my other lust: travel and leaving Phoenix during the summer.

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