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If Food Is Medicine…

If Food Is Medicine…

It seems that every year there’s a new report about the miraculous benefits of a particular food. Last year, the kick was all about kale (organic, I’m sure). And as you’d expect, kale miraculously showed up on menus across the country. Now, I’m not a big fan of kale. It gets stuck in my teeth. And just like spinach, that’s never a good look.

Red Wine

When was the last time someone pointed out the health benefits of red wine? You don’t have to be on the Seine to know that those little red grapes are packed with fermented vitamins. The pricier the bottle, the better (I just made that up). I’ve also heard tales of dark chocolate. This typically comes up when dining with friends and dessert arrives. Then someone invariably says, “Oh, dark chocolate. It’s so good for you.” Which must offend fans of whip cream and caramel syrup? No one ever says anything nice about them.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

On a trip to Queen Creek, Arizona, the home of the Queen Creek Olive Mill, I learned all about olive oils. Well, not exactly about the process of making olive oil. More about the different varieties of olive oils. They’re all lined up on shelves to sample with bits of bread. It’s important to pay attention to the toothpicks. There’s a holder for the fresh ones and a holder for the used toothpicks. Pity the poor soul who gets the two holders confused.

Eat Up

If food is nature’s medicine, I’m only too glad to pull up a plate and get healthy. And yet, I can’t help but be a bit skeptical. Wasn’t it just the 1990s when fat was the evil culprit? The 2000s when we went through no carbs? And now that Oprah is a major player in Weight Watchers, heck, all bets are off. Perhaps a balanced diet is the right way to go. But who knows what that is?

We Are What We Eat

If this is true, I’m a giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Or maybe, just a tub of peanut butter. Slice me open, and I’d ooze grape jelly. No one has yet to announce that peanut butter has any medicinal value, but that’s my go-to food when I don’t feel well. It sticks to your sides (or at least to your fingers) and is wonderful for lifting the mood. Which is why choosey mothers choose Jif. Or something like that.

This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. what about caffeine? that used to be bad, now it’s good for you.
    same with coffee, now, 3 a day is oK.

    And what about Oprah? she is an owner and spokesperson for WW and she is still very overweight. Really? should she be their spokesperson?

    Come on Brad, you can now also be an investigative reporter.

    1. You are so right about caffeine. That’s another, was bad – now good. As for Oprah, I think she’s struggling like the rest of us. Even in the commercials, I see her waving a baguette. Who can blame her? Bread is so delicious.

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